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This loop is executed for successive values of i over the given range, including both start and end indexes.

Hash Code Size (In Bits)

Run1 latches total versus runs -- difference and pct Run1 Run2 Diff Pct 8,093,305 10,973,079 2,879,774 73.76% PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. As you can see, the SQL-based solution took only 93% of the time and consumed only 74% of the latches as compared to the PL/SQL solution. The bottom line is that set operations (i.e., the ones using SQL) are almost always faster than their procedural equivalent in PL/SQL.

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The second looping construct is a while loop, which repeats until a given guard is false. For example, here is a way to keep your computer busy until the weekend: open System let loopUntilSaturday() = while (DateTime.Now.DayOfWeek <> DayOfWeek.Saturday) do printf "Still working!\n" printf "Saturday at last!\n" When executing this code in F# Interactive, you can interrupt its execution by using Ctrl+C.

Note The preceding benchmark was run against Oracle 10g. In Oracle 10g, an implicit for loop, such as

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As discussed in 3, any values compatible with the type seq<type> can be iterated using the for pattern in seq do ... construct. The input seq may be an F# list value, any seq<type>, or a value of any type supporting a GetEnumerator method. Here are some simple examples: > for (b,pj) in [ ("Banana 1",true); ("Banana 2",false) ] do if pj then printfn "%s is in pyjamas today!" b;; Banana 1 is in pyjamas today! The following is an example where we iterate the results of a regular expression match. The type returned by the .NET method System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Matches is a MatchCollection, which for reasons known best to the .NET designers doesn t directly support the seq<Match> interface. It does, however, support a GetEnumerator method that permits iteration over each individual result of the operation, each of which is of type Match, and the F# compiler inserts the conversions necessary to view the collection as a seq<Match> and perform the iteration. You ll learn more about using the .NET Regular Expression library in 10. > open System.Text.RegularExpressions;; > for m in (Regex.Matches("All the Pretty Horses","[a-zA-Z]+")) do printf "res = %s\n" m.Value;; res = All res = the res = Pretty res = Horses

the one used in the PL/SQL version of the preceding code, uses a technique called bulk collect (see the section Using Bulk Collect ) behind the scenes to improve PL/SQL performance tremendously. When I ran the performance benchmark in an Oracle9i database, I found that the SQL version ran in 30% of the time and consumed just 3% of the latches in the preceding test case. Of course, you can improve PL/SQL code in 9i by explicitly using bulk collect yourself.

The simplest mutable data structures in F# are mutable records. In 3 you saw some simple examples of immutable records. A record is mutable if one or more of its fields is labeled mutable. This means that record fields can be updated using the <- operator, that is, the same syntax used to set a property. Mutable fields are usually used for records that implement the internal state of objects, discussed in 6 and 7. For example, the following code defines a record used to count the number of times an event occurs and the number of times that the event satisfies a particular criterion: type DiscreteEventCounter = { mutable Total: int; mutable Positive: int; Name : string } let recordEvent (s: DiscreteEventCounter) isPositive = s.Total <- s.Total+1 if isPositive then s.Positive <- s.Positive+1 let reportStatus (s: DiscreteEventCounter) = printfn "We have %d %s out of %d" s.Positive s.Name s.Total let newCounter nm = { Total = 0; Positive = 0; Name = nm } We can use this type as follows (this sample uses the http function from 2): let longPageCounter = newCounter "long page(s)" let fetch url = let page = http url recordEvent longPageCounter (page.Length > 10000) page Every call to the function fetch mutates the mutable record fields in the global variable longPageCounter. For example: > fetch "" |> ignore;; val it : unit = () > fetch "" val it : unit = () > reportStatus longPageCounter;; We have 1 long page(s) out of 2 val it : unit = () |> ignore;;

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